What Do you Have What Do You Know: To Unbelievers (so far): A Plea from Christians who love you. Details: A plea to unbelievers to consider what their faith and hope is in, and whether they really know how this world started, and what will happen after they die. Christians are watching the signs of these times, and hoping that you will consider listening to the message of hope and truth in Jesus. 13:34
CONSUMER WARNING: This video is intended to be a kick in the pants, and not recommended for all unbelievers in your life. Pray and use spiritual discernment.
I felt like I kept hearing about families in such division, that they could no longer even mention God to their loved-ones–even concerning their personal lives–and especially not as a solution for their loved-one’s problems.
We know we have the answer to all the distresses of this world, and this video COULD be the approach that gets some people to reconsider what they really put their hope in.
I advocate first for persistent prayer, and waiting for God to open doors of opportunity to lovingly share your faith. I have personally seen God build beautiful relationships with the unbelievers in my life, and keep those channels of discussion open.
But time is getting short, and the days are getting dark. Jesus will be coming soon, so if after prayer you feel that a kick in the pants it the right approach to get them thinking, this could be the video for you.