Rumble Videos: The Sifting Principle

The Sifting Principle: How God Uses Suffering to Separate Darkness from Light in these Last Days: John Chapter 9 reveals a principle unique to undeserved suffering and persecution when Jesus heals a blind man. The miracle induces fury in the religious leaders, who cannot tolerate the blatant truth that challenges their corruption, and they punish the man to keep him silent. But Jesus finds and comforts the man with the companionship and promise of His salvation, and ultimate triumph when … Read More

Rumble Videos: Pray, Praise, Prepare

PRAY, PRAISE, PREPARE: The life that God can bless, protect, & make fruitful in Spiritual Triumph: Spiritual Triumph in the day of evil. As we watch the spiritual forces of darkness enact their plan of global rule, we also see hope in the promises of God. We may feel the growing distress of these times, but we know that God loves us, and calls us to live a life devoted to His care. Whether new to our faith, or decades … Read More

Rumble Videos: The Timing of the Rapture

The Timing of the Rapture—Just for Fun: Do Scripture Clues Hint When Jesus Will Come for Believers? A Hopeful Exploration of Scriptures concerning the nearness of the rapture of believers. While we can’t know for sure, perhaps some Biblical patterns and history can provide insight. At the very least, we can hope it is soon, and we can stay expectant and ready for Jesus’s return for those who love Him.  28 min

Rumble Videos: Post 2020

A discussion about setting new priorities in the cultural storm created by 2020’s fundamental transformation of America. As political, social, and health controversies drive fear and tear us apart, we need to seize upon these divisive topics as opportunities to engage others with the message of Hope in Jesus–and take as many with us while we can. 1hr 20min

Rumble Videos Don’t Worry: PRAY

How to switch out your greatest enemy for your greatest strength. A simple switch of thinking every time we worry can bring great victory in the distressing circumstances we face, which grow more challenging each day as we approach the return of Jesus for His Church.16 min    

Rumble Videos: To Loved Ones

To Loved Ones:  A video describing how to find Peace, Hope, and Joy through God’s Gift of love and eternal life in Jesus. Intended for loved ones and friends facing tremendous difficulties, distress, hopelessness, illness, and death. 11 min.      

The Lost

The Paperback is $11.99 The Kindle is $2.99 and Free with Kindle Unlimited Thank you for your support Enjoy! Wendy S. Scott HERE’S THE LINK TO My Book in AMAZON:  

Be Fruitful

 “. . . that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” Col 1:9-10 [12] Jesus was a master of parables to teach deep lessons on the Kingdom of God. Using analogies, or metaphors, is a powerful, memorable way to download an entire life-lesson into the heart of … Read More

Wake up!

“Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.” Acts 12:7 [11] I confess that the past several months have put me at a loss for what to write. As we watched the startling election events, the stoking fires of division, and the suppression of our Civil rights, dozens of commentaries … Read More


Fossils What evidence proves that all life has evolved? Ask anyone what evidence proves that all life evolved from simple forms, and they will often point to the fossil record. Evolution scientists have relied for decades on the fact that there are millions of fossils all over the world to support their claim that life has evolved from a single microbe into the full complex array of marine animals, plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, marsupials, and mammals that have … Read More

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